Rich Dad Poor Dad

Initially I wanted to write a review for this book  decide against it and will rather put up a blurb and a few other reviews 😁😁😁😁. Hope you enjoy!!

Have you ever said to yourself perhaps there is something missing in the  l approach my investments!πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜• or perhaps you have thought maybe it's time to take control of my finances 😣😣😣😣 well am glad to say to you that don't have to worry anymore because with Rich dad Poor Dad you are giving the principles that can help you cross that bridge.


"To get over the top financially, you must read Rich Dad, Poor Dad.It's common sense and market savvy for your financial future."                    
                                                                     Zig Ziglar 
                                                                    (World-renowned author and lecturer)

"If you want all insider wisdom on how to personally get and STAY rich, read this book! Bribe your kids (financially if you have to ) to do the same."

                                                                    Mike Victor Hansen
                                                                    Co-author, New York Times
                                                                  #1  Best Selling Chicken Soup for the Soul Series
" Rich Dad, Poor Dad is not your usual book on money ......Rich Dad, Poor Dad is easy to read and it's key messages - as getting rich takes focus and nerve - are very simple."
                                                                     Honolulu Magazine

"I only wish I had read this book when I was young , or even better yet my parents had read this book! This is the kind of book you buy and give each of your kids and buy extra copies , on the chance you have grandchildren and this should be your gift , as soon as this child reaches 8 or 9."

                                                                       Sue Brawn
                                                                       President of Tenant Chek of America
P.S if you want a summary of the book you can check this link.

P.S if you would like a free e-book on financial literacy please follow this link.


