It’s been long since I wrote a piece I hope this makes up, remember in the previous two articles I was revealing tips to help you escape the RAT RACE. Well this is a continuation and I hope you pay attention, since there is an invaluable lesson to be learned.

Here is a personal question? Have you ever wondered what your life would be after school? …πŸ˜–πŸ˜–..well I have and here some thoughts that constantly went through my head; πŸ˜•πŸ˜• will I get the job I wanted, will I have to move job to job to find one I fit in…πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘…or worse case would I be jobless.😟😟…

See at that point I had fixed goal I wanted and that was to be my own boss…😎😎..not to go to work every day because my life depended on it…πŸ˜’πŸ˜’.. Because I realized the traps the came with finding a job…😏😏 see by getting a job we want, we will feel comfortable with feeling comfortable complacency sets in…😁😁….with complacency we begin to gradually give up on our goals…πŸ˜“πŸ˜“.since we pretty much have all the doodads of life, cars and houses forgetting what was really important at the start……πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯……. Even if you doubt you will fall into this trap.....😐😐 must remember in the previous article I talked about the WHY Factor were I talked about the various forms of failure you could encounter when trying to invest or build a business, this alone could force you to seek the security of your job...😈😈..., forcing you to give up on your goal completely...😈😈😈...

So what’s the invaluable lesson to be learned? .......THE RICH DON’T WORK FOR MONEY….

That’s ridiculous you might be saying…πŸ˜”πŸ˜”..they can’t be rich if they don’t work for money…😦😦….they work to learn..... “Work to learn!!!😦😦” That’s preposterous you might say but before you begin to dissect my point let me explain why I say so…πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯.

You remember the Rat Race an unending loop that most of are being led into due to bad money habits…πŸ˜“πŸ˜“…… With all the bad debt piled up you would think the rat racers will start changing habits!!!....but No!!! They don’t stop …😩😩.Now with all the debt they work harder now saying in their minds

“It will get better”…😞😞...but deep inside they know it…😭😭😭😭..THEY NOW WORK FOR MONEY,

To be continued……… 

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